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来源:中学英语园地 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-11-02
摘要:一、学校生活 出题角度: 1. 学校开展的有趣的、有意义的活动; 2. 参加活动的收获; 3. 日常的学习情况。 例如: 初中学习生活就要结束了,在过去的三年里,你和同学们参加过很多学校组



1. 学校开展的有趣的、有意义的活动;

2. 参加活动的收获;

3. 日常的学习情况。



1. celebrate庆祝

2. talent才能

3. activity活动

4. meaningful有意义的

5. have a great time玩得高兴

6. not only...but also不但……而且


There have been many meaningful school activities in the past three years. One of them was the New Year’s party last year.

All the teachers and students celebrated the coming new year on the final day of class. My classmates showed off their various artistic talents. Some played the guitar and sang, and others danced to the music. As for me, I played a piece of music on the violin. Everything made me feel so happy. We all had a great time, and I was really impressed by my classmates that night. At the end of the party, we read a poem that we had all written to our teachers.

This party was meaningful not only because we had a wonderful time together, but also because it was a great way for us to express our thanks to our teachers.



1. 对老师教诲的感激之情;

2. 对父母的感恩之情;

3. 对同学、好朋友多年陪伴及帮助的感谢;

4. 与他们之间发生的难忘的事情;

5. 表达你对他们的感谢和祝愿。

例如:在你的成长过程中,一定有某个人陪伴你、影响你、感动你,让你健康、快乐地成长,学会感恩、学会回报。假如你是李华,你们学校的《英语园地》正在以“Learn to Be Thankful”为题征文,请你写一篇文章,谈谈你最想感谢的人是谁,他/她是什么样的人,为什么感谢他/她。


1. strong 强壮的

2. pretty 漂亮的

3. kind 善良的

4. hard-working 努力工作的

5. encourage 鼓励

6. get along well with 与……相处得好


Learn to Be Thankful

The person I want to thank is my English teacher.

He is a very kind person who always has a big smile on his face. He is also hard-working, and that is why he is one of the best teachers in our school. Most importantly, he is very helpful. He has helped every student in our class more than we could have imagined. That's why he is very popular among us.

The reason why I want to thank my English teacher is that he always encourages me. Two years ago, I wasn’t doing well in English. But he tried his best to help me improve. With his help, I made a lot of progress in English.



1. 学习中遇到的有趣的事情;

2. 学习中给予你帮助的人;

3. 学习中遇到的问题及你是如何解决的;

4. 你在英语学习方面的收获及建议。

例如:假如你是李华,你们班级下周准备开以“The Best Ways to Learn English”为主题的班会,请你从听、说、读、写四个方面谈谈你的建议。


1. useful有用的

2. difficult困难的

3. suggestion建议

4. mistake错误

5. thanks to多亏

6. try one's best to do尽某人最大的努力去做

7. as long as只要

8. do well in在……方面做得好


The Best Ways to Learn English

English is important and useful. What are the best ways to learn English? Here are my suggestions.

First, we should listen to tapes, English songs, and radio programs as often as we can. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you'll make. We can also join the English club for more practice. Third, we should read English newspapers and magazines whenever we can. It's a really good habit. Finally, it’s always a good idea to recite passages out loud to help with pronunciation and keep an English journal to improve our writing skills.

As long as we work hard at listening, speaking, reading, and writing at the same time, we will do well in English.

文章来源:《中学英语园地》 网址: http://www.zxyyydzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/1102/401.html

上一篇:极好的 15篇英语写作,符合中考学生的水平,满

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